Resultados: 3

Enfermedad por Coronavirus (COVID-19) and HIV: Asuntos y Acciones Claves

The HIV community and response have much to offer to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) preparedness and resiliency. Having community-led organizations, such as people living with HIV (PLHIV) networks, engaged at the planning and response tables early on is key to build trust, ensure productive exch...

Factors associated with the consistent use of the male condom among women living with HIV/aids

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the factors associated with the consistent use of the male condom among women living with HIV/aids. Method: an analytical study with a quantitative approach involving 140 women living with HIV/aids who at the time of the study had an active sexual life and receiving fol...

A Prevenção do HIV / AIDS segundo o olhar das mulheres: o caso do Grupo de Direitos Reprodutivos em Juiz de Fora / MGª

O estudo teve como objeto as práticas de prevenção do HIV na visão de mulheres participantes do Grupo de Direitos Reprodutivos1 pois, apesar das diversas campanhas dirigidas à prevenção, as estatísticas indicam aumento significativo de mulheres infectadas pelo HIV. Os objetivos foram: 1) identifi...